41 research outputs found

    Counterion correlations and attraction between like-charged macromolecules

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    A simple model is presented for the appearance of attraction between two like charged polyions inside a polyelectrolyte solution. The polyions are modeled as rigid cylinders in a continuum dielectric solvent. The strong electrostatic interactions between the polyions and the counterions results in counterion condensation. If the two polyions are sufficiently close to each other their layers of condensed counterions can become correlated resulting in attraction between the macromolecules. To explore the counterion induced attraction we calculate the correlation functions for the condensed counterions. It is found that the correlations are of very short range. For the parameters specific to the double stranded DNA, the correlations and the attraction appear only when the surface-to-surface separation is less than 7 /AA.Comment: 6 pages, 8 eps figures, RevTeX with epsfi

    From fracture to fragmentation: discrete element modeling -- Complexity of crackling noise and fragmentation phenomena revealed by discrete element simulations

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    Discrete element modelling (DEM) is one of the most efficient computational approaches to the fracture processes of heterogeneous materials on mesoscopic scales. From the dynamics of single crack propagation through the statistics of crack ensembles to the rapid fragmentation of materials DEM had a substantial contribution to our understanding over the past decades. Recently, the combination of DEM with other simulation techniques like Finite Element Modelling further extended the field of applicability. In this paper we briefly review the motivations and basic idea behind the DEM approach to cohesive particulate matter and then we give an overview of on-going developments and applications of the method focusing on two fields where recent success has been achieved. We discuss current challenges of this rapidly evolving field and outline possible future perspectives and debates

    Time evolution of the behaviour of Brazilian legislative Representatives using a complex network approach

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    The follow up of Representative behavior after elections is imperative for a democratic Representative system, at the very least to punish betrayal with no re-election. Our goal was to show how to follow Representatives' and how to show behavior in real situations and observe trends in political crises including the onset of game changing political instabilities. We used correlation and correlation distance matrices of Brazilian Representative votes during four presidential terms. Re-ordering these matrices with Minimal Spanning Trees displays the dynamical formation of clusters for the sixteen year period, which includes one Presidential impeachment. The reordered matrices, colored by correlation strength and by the parties clearly show the origin of observed clusters and their evolution over time. When large clusters provide government support cluster breaks, political instability arises, which could lead to an impeachment, a trend we observed three years before the Brazilian President was impeached. We believe this method could be applied to foresee other political storms.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Figure

    Distinct DNA methylomes of newborns and centenarians

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    Human aging cannot be fully understood in terms of the constrained genetic setting. Epigenetic drift is an alternative means of explaining age-associated alterations. To address this issue, we performed whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) of newborn and centenarian genomes. The centenarian DNA had a lower DNA methylation content and a reduced correlation in the methylation status of neighboring cytosine--phosphate--guanine (CpGs) throughout the genome in comparison with the more homogeneously methylated newborn DNA. The more hypomethylated CpGs observed in the centenarian DNA compared with the neonate covered all genomic compartments, such as promoters, exonic, intronic, and intergenic regions. For regulatory regions, the most hypomethylated sequences in the centenarian DNA were present mainly at CpG-poor promoters and in tissue-specific genes, whereas a greater level of DNA methylation was observed in CpG island promoters. We extended the study to a larger cohort of newborn and nonagenarian samples using a 450,000 CpG-site DNA methylation microarray that reinforced the observation of more hypomethylated DNA sequences in the advanced age group. WGBS and 450,000 analyses of middle-age individuals demonstrated DNA methylomes in the crossroad between the newborn and the nonagenarian/centenarian groups. Our study constitutes a unique DNA methylation analysis of the extreme points of human life at a single-nucleotide resolution level

    From fracture to fragmentation: Discrete element modeling

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